Metal and dinosaurs go together like peanut butter and jelly, cheese curds and Packer football, oxygen and life sustaining processes. So it will come as no surprise to anyone who has read the headline that a new fossil discovered will be named after the mighty Avatar. Ophiocoma avatar is a new fossil discovered in Sweden was found on the shores of an 80 million year old former sub-tropical ocean. If you want more science facts than I’m willing to copy-paste into this article check out this article and be wowed with all the nuanced science facts. Avatar was nice enough to tweet a short synopsis which is below.
Some 80 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed our planet, southern Sweden was located at the shores of a subtropical sea. One particular location, the old quarries at Ivö Klack, was home to brittle star that is now named after Avatar: Ophiocoma avatar.
— AVATARmetal (@AVATARmetal) August 29, 2023
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