Jonny Hawkins had a very public and extreme end to his last relationship. From that painful and traumatic end Jonny has been able to channel some energy he hasn’t had in a very long time. I asked about the catharsis of releasing something so emotionally charged.
‘In a way it’s like these songs, even though there’s like this release on maybe this spiritual or even this soul level, whatever you wanna call it, (from) when I’m writing it, there’s a totally different release when you release it into the world and you see how people resonate to it…there’s a feedback system…I get re-inspired or feel this feeling of healing or power or something…when I see it hitting people and they can relate to it or they’ve been through something similar…it has this certain effect…I’m just so, so happy man, I’ve been waiting a year for this.’
The video is a work of art and can be seen below. The album that is coming has been louted as their best work and even Jonny had this to say.
‘I know I’m biased and I’m probably going to say this on every album, because I’m a believer in everything we do and we’re always reaching for the stars. BUT! This one is probably the best album we’ve ever put out. I think with the last album Spirits…it’s kind of an indulgent album, it’s kind of for the super fan, maybe not so much for the casual fan. Whereas this one I think people even outside of our genre could probably enjoy it. It’s just more immediate, more adrenaline pumping, more melodies, big choruses. And it’s got 16 tracks on it so it’s a thick album, but it’s still hits so immediate or feels overly indulgent.’
My favorite part was when he told me not to quote him and then the audio dropped for the entire quote and he didn’t repeat himself! Check out the rest of our chat below!
[Consequence of Sound] [Spreaker: Decker] [YouTube: Better Noise]