The ever enigmatic Slipknot are up to their mysterious ways yet again. This time it’s form comes in the shape of a billboard outside of Indio, California. Indio is home of the most metal performances in Coachella history. Which granted isn’t a very high bar but a bar that Knocked Loose blasted out of the park.
Now we’ve got Slipknot putting up billboards with words that beckon to an earlier time in the band. “LONG MAY YOU DIE” and “ONE NIGHT ONLY” with the website which is a website from 25 years ago full of hype for the first album from Slipknot. There’s also a ticker that reads, “Pay Attention…The Answers Are All Around You.” WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!? Guess we’ll have to ponder together, until Clown feels like it’s ok to tell us. Please Mr. Clown…We just wanna know!
[Reddit: deadendandrea] [Metal Injection] [YouTube: Angel Chavez] []