The mighty Volbeat have returned as a three piece time with a scorcher of a track called ‘By A Monster’s Hand’. The song itself is classic Volbeat thrash but the lyrics have a local flair for us here in the Cheesehead State. Is it about cheese? The Packers? Nope! Ed Gein! Everyone’s favorite Wisconsin weirdo.
Along with the song Volbeat has also announced a new record God Of Angels Trust which will be released on June 6th.

Devils Are Awake
By A Monster’s Hand
Acid Rain
Demonic Depression
In the Barn of the Goat Giving Birth to Satan’s Spawn in a Dying World of Doom
Time Will Heal
Better Be Fueled Than Tamed
At the End of the Sirens
Lonely Fields
Enlighten the Disorder (By A Monster’s Hand Part 2)
Singer and guitarist Micheal Paulson talked about the inspiration for the album involves lots of serial killer imagery and themes.
“It’s inspired by some of the real serial killers throughout history. I don’t want to use their names since I don’t want to give them any credit, but it’s a fact that they were here and some are still around. The good thing is that those older well-known killers were captured and if they weren’t laid to rest, they were locked up and the keys were thrown away. The scary part is that in these modern days we can see them on the news every day and the ones who are supposed to be locking them up are either in on it or are just trying to keep themselves alive. In that sense, the song is also about finding the key to lock up these motherfuckers with and throwing it away.”
Volbeat will take Halestorm and The Ghost Inside out on an American tour with the closest stop being Tinely Park in Chicago.